What’s your destination?
You: What’s your business objective? Where do you want your company to be in two years?
I: Develop a PR strategy and corresponding tactics that directly line up with your business objective because, if PR activities aren’t supporting your business, they aren’t worth doing.

What’s your story?
You: Why do you do what you do?
I: Craft a message platform that lays out your narrative, including WHY you do what you do (your purpose/what you believe), HOW you do what you do better than anyone else and, WHAT you do so it’s easy to understand in brief conversations. Because WHY you do what you do is far more interesting than WHAT you do.

Who is your buyer?
You: Where does your audience go to get information to make their purchasing decisions?
I: Develop a media list focused on the influencers that drive the most views and reach because I am more interested in qualitative placements that drive business vs. quantitative placements that reach an arbitrary clip count.

How do we adjust course?
You: Approve the plan and budget.
I: Execute the PR plan. We discuss weekly (or as needed) to course correct, adjust messaging, and determine next steps accordingly.